My Faith and Covenant
I knew I had had a Miracle - A Blessing from God. Through my love and faith in God, His Holy Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, I have been allowed to share these story's. My books share, "Faith, Miracles, Love, God, Prayer, Inspiration, Cancer, Hope and more..."
Through Faith and a Covenant with God, Miracles and medical history have been made.
In 2002, while in Africa, I was shaving in front of a mirror. I shut my right eye, only to find I had no sight in my left eye. After returning back home to the United States, I went to my doctor and told him of the situation. After two prescriptions of antibiotics and many test later, a tumor was discovered..... They first wanted to remove my eye, instead Duke Medical decided to put a radioactive plaque on the eye in 2003, to kill the tumor.
In 2004, imagine yourself with your Doctor waiting for a prognosis from a team of some of the best oncologist in the world. They told me the cancer is very aggressive and has spread. I had metastatic melanoma cancer throughout my lymph system, my lungs, liver and even in my brain. I was told I was in stage 4.
For most people that would be the sound of devastation and unimaginable questions. For me it was one of the greatest Miracles I ever received. I looked up and gave Thanks to the Lord.
In 2004, I was sent back to Duke Medical for what was called a Hail Mary pass. Stage 4 melanoma cancer had spread throughout my lungs, liver, lymph system and brain. I was told they were not even able to give me experimental chemotherapy. I looked up and said “Thank You Lord." "Now, You and I can work this out together.”
I returned home from Duke Medical sick, in pain and not able to get up. I knew God had protected me in some intense situations all over the world.
As everyone else was preparing for my death, I knew I had to get out of bed. I had to start working on my Covenant to God, because I believed the Lord had other plans for me.
Share my journey through some of these darkest and scariest hours. Learn about my 20 year struggle before the cancer. Through my love for the Lord and other’s praying for me, I have had Miracles and made medical history.
See how the faith of a mustard seed opened doors, moved mountains, Miracles happened and Gods’ promise was fulfilled. God heard their prayer‘s. I know through my faith, there is Hope. AMEN!!!
This book of poetry is a compilation of Poems from several poets. We have each brought together over 30 years of poetic works, Honoring Our Father in Heaven. I would like to thank all of my fellow poets for their contributions and efforts on bringing together one of the most beautiful books of Poetry in the world.
We have poets from other parts of the world sharing their Faith, love and creativity in this book, Colors of Rhymes. Some include the inspirations for why they were written.
It is my privilege to share these beautiful words for your comfort and meditation in just about any situation of our lives. Poetry and Prayers are a way of expression from the deepest reaches of our Souls and Hearts.
They are written for personal reasons and special times, in each of the specific poets life. Our lives on each day can be filled with different colors or emotions, which make our lives what they are.
To me personally this book is a completion of my Covenant with God. I made this promise after being told by Duke Medical that there was nothing they could do for me. I was told they would try and keep me comfortable until I was gone.
I know like everything in life, we do not control death. Nor, do the Doctors have all the answers as to why. I am grateful I am still here to complete my promise. I feel honored to share this story and the Miracles God has blessed me with. I am Honored to meet all the people I have met along my journey. Unfortunately, some of my friends have not been as fortunate as I have been. They are now deceased, but I have shared their works in this book of Poetry.
I believe the most painful part of this book are the friends and poets I met along my journey, knowing they will never see their works. They are gone; however, their words will be with us forever...Amen